Dec 15, 2010

Top Ten Things I'll Miss the Most: Part 4

#7 - Texican Food
You read correctly.  There is a difference.  What is that difference?  Cheese!  Authentic Mexican food is fabulous.  I love it and would eat it regularly, but Texican food takes all that Mexican goodness and covers it in cheese.  And in my professional opinion, there is nothing wrong with that.

This week has been one of the best ever.  David told me my biggest responsibility this week was to spend as much time as possible with my girls doing my favorite things.  Monday started off rocky when we woke up to weather in the 30's and a car with no heater.  I spent most of the day at the auto shop but was rescued around lunchtime by Mikele.  For our last lunch date before I leave town, we decided not to break tradition.  Like most days we meet for lunch, we went to El Fenix for enchiladas.  Tuesday was my date with Kelly (and Malosi).  After a little quick shopping, we debated lunch options and found ourselves at my all-time favorite, Chuy's.  Yes, I realize this means I've eaten large amounts of processed cheese in two days.  I'm ok with that.

Today's plans were changed a bit when Brynna got up not feeling well.  We scraped the previously-made plans and Janay, Taylor, BG and I went to Waffle House for breakfast.  (Nay Nay and Tay Tay got dressed.  BG and I chose to go in our pajamas.)  I think my body is trying to hibernate.  It's like something inside of me knows I am heading to a far-away place without enchiladas and things have kicked into overdrive.  I've eaten it for two days so a lesser person might say they need a change.  Not this girl.  The day isn't over.  I'm thinking my dinner date with Tania might have to include some more Texican!

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