Dec 2, 2009

Ode to Beth

On Monday, Brynna was teething so I missed my last class for the semester at the Y. I can't say I was sad. I never want to leave something incomplete but after the masses of food I ate last week, I can't honestly say I was looking forward to the torture Beth had in store for us. (She laughed last time at the thought of us working out after Thanksgiving. The kind of laugh that isn't really funny but more scary.) Never-the-less Beth has become a common theme this fall, so I decided she needed some recognition.

Ode to Beth
I used your name as a curse word a few times,
Like every time I sprinted to the gym's black line.
Come Sunday night, I was again a child,
A few Mondays I wondered if I could hide.
I came to hate the rigor you required,
I about dropped my kid, my legs were so tired.

But I now know the name of the muscles to hate
When they scream in pain and are sore and ache.
I can say I've pushed through when I wanted a break,
And I got my tail kicked by a paper plate.

Even though it was hard, I must admit...
All my butt needed was a Beth-sized kick.

Note - I'm not kidding about those paper plates. I almost died. But it worked. If you need a good ab workout, just let me know. I'll share a Beth secret with you. :o)

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