Oct 1, 2012

Punishing the Punisher

BG slammed a door.
I told her we don't slam doors.

She said ok and as she walked away, she slammed the door.
She went to Time Out and then we discussed why we don't slam doors. I explained that if it happened again, she would not get to go to ballet.

As I walked away, BG went into her bedroom and slammed a door. It wasn't one of those blatant slams but the testing kind - the kind that's just hard enough to see how serious you are about the threat of punishment.

Unfortunately for her (and me), I'm serious.

We are now at home instead of at ballet. There has been crying, flailing, wailing and maybe even the gnashing of teeth. (I'm not 100% sure; I walked away.) She's asked 12 times what her class will do without her and what she will do if she misses a class. She has run through the house naked (not kidding) and spent a good 10 minutes curled up in a ball under a blanket.

Who exactly is being punished here?

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