Feb 24, 2010

Why being healthy isn't ALL THAT

I was doing just fine. I mean, sure, there is a history of heart disease in my family. Sure, I am predisposed to cholesterol and high blood pressure problems. That didn't stop me from enjoying more than my fill of junk food and high calorie goodness. In fact, it has always been a source of great pride for me. It is my signature trait. I could eat a burger and fries with the guys and still fit into my little black dress.

Well...not sure if you heard, but I had a baby. Also not sure if you heard, but I am not a huge fan of what this beautiful miracle does to one's body. So in an effort to save what's left of my wardrobe (yes it was a decision motivated first by cute jeans...), we made a decision a couple of months ago to eat only natural foods. I know...it's so cliche. It's the "it" thing to eat natural. But after hearing from multiple people the benefits, we decided to give it a try. So we've slowly been using up the regular food in our house and replacing them with natural items. (Side note - do you know how hard it is to find butter without added ingredients I can't pronounce? It shouldn't be that hard. It's butter. It should have milk and cream, right?)

So the change has been going well. I must say, I feel better. However! This does not change that I'm mad at healthy food. Why?

It all started with the taste. Foods I have loved all my life don't have the same taste. Mac and cheese, fish sticks, spaghetti o's, hamburger (and chicken and tuna) helper...these have always been some of my favorite foods. Yes, I'm aware I ate like I was 9 years old. But I did so joyfully. Now if I try to eat those items, it just doesn't taste as great as it used to.

But after the taste, it moved to a far greater issue. My body has stopped participating in my junk food binges. It just no longer accepts these foods. I have been working out and eating well, so I decided I deserved a treat today. I went to one of my favorite places - Taco Bueno. Going for good junk food isn't the same without friends, though, so I dragged Stephanie and Janay down with me. We had our tasty lunch (there's a reason it's called Bueno - cause it's good!) and I dropped them back at the church. I headed to Target and that's when the trouble hit. I won't go into details you don't want to know. I also won't tell you which Target I went to in case you saw me running for the restroom.

The point is this - Healthiness is rude. I was content living my perfectly little unhealthy life and reason, logic and a sound mind had to go and rain on my parade. So what's for dinner? Chicken and veggie kabobs and spinach salad.

1 comment:


LOL! i'm sorry. We have been trying to eat healthy too. I feel way better...i have messed up some...but overall we are doing better and my body thanks me :)
