Nov 12, 2009

Operation Not a Bum?

So here's the deal. When you start an operation to prove you are not a bum, it implies you have bum-like tendencies. I was doing so good with my little operation until 3 weeks ago. I got sick and called to tell Beth I wasn't coming. "No big deal," I thought. I can rest today and go to Fit Moms tomorrow with the Tuesday group. I didn't feel better the next day, so I decided to rest and not go then either. No big deal, though. It's just one week. As if you hit repeat on a song that wasn't that great the first time, the next week sounded strangely similar. My illness had morphed from a head cold into muscle aches and fatigue, so I once again decided against my friendly form of torture. This week, the alien invasion in my body turned to laryngitis. Now, I can't, in good conscience, suggest that this means I couldn't have walked on a treadmill. But I did have other obligations come up with church. The bottom line? For the third week, I didn't go to Fit Moms.

So here's my point. I'm a bum. Like my super blonde hair - it's a quality ingrained in who I am. Perhaps I should have called it Operation Lose-the-post-pregnancy-inner tube-around-my-middle. That, I have actually made some progress on. Had I made progress on the bum part, though, I would have made it by the Y at some point in these 3 weeks even if I couldn't be there for class. Did I do that? Nope. Am I going to die next class when Beth expects me to be up to speed with everyone else? Highly probable.

I don't want to be a bum. I want to be one of these people that enjoys working out. I want to be like Brandy, who can get up at 5am and go to bootcamp, who works out even when she's on vacation. I want to be like Vikki, who has made friends and loves going to the gym for hours at a time. But I'm Regina. And I would much rather go to the mall.

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